Formed in 2000, Atlantic Immigration has successfully assisted hundreds of immigrants from all walks of life in achieving their permanent residency status.
Canada Leading Visa & Immigration lawyers
Years Of Experience
Our Mission- To reunite Canadians, Americans and the British with their families from abroad.
Formed in 2000, Atlantic Immigration has successfully assisted hundreds of immigrants from all walks of life in achieving their permanent residency status.
Over 10 years experience in Immigration Law
With over 10 years of legal and immigration experience, you can rest assured that your application is handled by only the very best in the industry.
WHY CHOOSE Atlantic Immigration
With over 10 years of legal and immigration experience, you can rest assured that your application is handled by only the very best in the industry.
We will act as your personal legal representative from the onset of your application right up to the issuance of your visa and arrival into the country.
We will ensure that you have a solid and thorough understanding of the interview process, know how to cross into the country, what to expect upon arrival and how to settle in your new place of home.
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Any Questions? Email us
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